Dr Jitendra Kakad
The eldest brother and was born and brought up in East Africa.
He completed his Medical Education in Bombay and settled in UK in 1974. He pursued a career in General Practice and maintained his interest in Hospital medicine in the field of Dermatology and Rheumatology.
He was the founder member of Saint Francis Hospice in Romford. St Francis Hospice offers terminal care to cancer patients. Patients receive the same support and care irrespective of where they choose to stay. The hospice also offers training facilities for doctors and nurses.
Dr Jitendra Kakad founded Essex Medical Consortium six years ago, a private company delivering care from their purpose built Westland Medical Clinic in Hornchurch. The founder doctor members support 230 bedded charity hospital in Thiruvannamali ( holy city of Ramanamaharshi 180 kilo meters from Chennai) where we go and do charity work 2 weeks in a year. The doctors have donated an operating Table and an ambulance to the centre.
Jitendra Kakad sponsors a meal every year to a Girls orphanage in Anad in Gujarat.
He continues to subscribe and donate to worthy causes whenever and wherever he is able to .
Setting up Kakad Brothers Charitable Trust is a natural progression to further his aspiration and desire to give something back to the society from where he has derived, learned and experienced so much.

Sudhir Kakad
Was born and brought up in Uganda, East Africa. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in Indore, India, before pursuing a career in Finance in London. His natural entrepreneurial spirit meant that he soon struck out on his own, initially starting out with a small corner shop, which he grew into a successful chain of shops combined with a Cash & Carry business in London.
In the late 90s, in partnership with his brothers Jitendra and Rashmi, he focused his attention on the London property market, building a successful property development business, which is still in operation today.
Sudhir was a founder member of the Lions Club of Edgware, working tirelessly on various charitable causes. During his tenure he was an instrumental figure, taking a leading role in the organisation of a 22 mile cyclothon event, which was used to raise funds required to purchase an ambulance for Colindale Day Hospital in 1991. Alongside his extended family, he participated in the 22 mile cyclothon to raise money, as well as sponsoring the event itself through his business. In addition using his various business contacts he was able to persuaded multinational corporations such as Unigate, Coca-Cola and Walls to donate money, drinks and ice-cream for the event. (Please see article for further details)
More recently, together with his brother Rashmi, they have worked closely with the West London Lohana community, contributing expertise, time, wisdom and financial support towards building a West London Lohana Community Centre.
Sudhir along with his brothers also supports the Brent Asian old people association.
Additionally on a family trip to India he visited two inspiring organisations based in Gujarat, India. One was an orphanage for young girls who have been abandoned by their parents and the other is a residential centre for the blind girls, teaching them everyday skills allowing them to leave the centre and integrate fully into the community. As a result of this trip the Kakad Brothers will be donating to this worthwhile cause.
Sudhir is an active member of the local community and has contributed significantly to various philanthropic causes, forming the Kakad Brothers’ Charitable Trust is a natural extension of the work he has already done.

Rashmi Kakad
Like his brothers,was born and brought up in Uganda, East Africa. He left Uganda and moved to the UK where he went to university and earned his BSC Hons degree in Computer Science. He went on to work for many large multinational companies in the city and travelled much of Europe on various work related projects.
ln the late 90s, with his older brothers Jitendra and Sudhir, he decided to leave his IT career behind and focus his attention on building up the family property business.
Rashmi was a charter member of the Lions Club of Edgware and along with h1is brother Sudhir has worked on many charitable events, including a 22 mile cyclothon to raise money for an ambulance.
On a family trip to India, Rashmi met a young man called Yash, who lives in Bangalore. He was an only child, being rased by a single mother. Due to circumstances beyond their control they were reliant on support from local charities such as the Jalaram Mandhir. However, there was no support available for him to peruse his dream of going to university, which would have created many opportunities for him. As a result Rashmi decided, a long with his brother Sudhir, that they would sponsor Yash so that he could complete his further education.
Since then Yash passed his degree with first class honors and is currently working at Ernest and Young and is able to fully support himself and his family.
In addition, with his brother Sudhir, he has worked with the West London Lohana community by contribution his time, expertise and fiscal support towards building a community centre.
The Brent Asian old people association is another worthy cause that Rashmi is proud to support.
Rashmi takes great pride in everything he does, especially when it comes to assisting others. He is a firm believer of helping others where he can and the formation of the Kakad Brothers’ Charitable Trust is a great way for him to extend this beyond his current network.

Hitesh Mushru
Like the Kakad brothers, Hitesh was born and brought up in Uganda, East Africa. He moved to Pune, India for a short while and returned to the UK to be reunited with the rest of his family in 1973.
After completing his A Levels, Hitesh joined Barclays Bank plc on their graduate programme to continue his diploma in the banking industry. In 1987, after 8 years successful years in retail banking, he formed his own independent financial services agency which he successfully ran until 1993. This predominantly involved broking finance for both commercial and residential clients and advising on Life Insurance and Pensions. Having gained wide-ranging knowledge in the property market, he then formed a property development company which is still in operation.
Hitesh is married with two children. He is a keen sportsman – in particular cricket, and has successfully arranged many sporting events combined with raising money for various charities. He has been involved with MENCAP for several years and has supported the charity both as a volunteer and financially. Hitesh is also a trustee for The Nana Foundation which sends medical personnel to deprived countries in the Asia-Pacific region.
Hitesh has always maintained a close relationship with the Kakad family and has now been invited to become a Trustee for The Kakad Brothers Charity which he is relishing. He hopes to use his breadth of experience and knowledge to help move the charity forward.